28. 02. 2020
2 minuty čtení
First one, is Peadiatric II. This block was primarily in the nephrology, heamatology and oncology departments. I was particularly excited for the oncology rotation since FN Motol is the diagnostic and research centre for childhood leukemia under the name Childhood Leukemia Investigation Prague – CLIP. CLIP was founded in the 1990s in the aim of studying and reaching a diagnostic conclusion on the basis of molecular genetics and immunological aspects of childhood leukemias under the leadership of Professor Trka. Today CLIP is not only about diagnostics and research centre but also a learning institution for PhD students.
Second rotation was Neurology. This block is one of longest and most demanding this academic year. The rotation started in December and spanned till January. Needless to say there was no time to enjoy the Christmas break since I had neurology exam immediately after the break. This block was again divided into adult and peadiatric neurology. In the department we dealt with acute conditions i.e. cerebrovascular problems in the neurologic ICU. Degenerative diseases of the nervous system, extrapyramidal disorders. Demyelinating and inflammatory diseases of the nervous system – multiple sclerosis. While in the paediatrics department there are comprehensive epilepsy programme, video-EEG monitoring, and epilepsy surgery programme. This are delicate procedures that require extensive and cooperation from the whole neurology team. Also, Neuromuscular diseases, Infectious and parainfectious diseases of the nervous system. This block eventually ends in a written and oral exams both from the adult and childrens’ professors. It is quite intimidating to say the least.
I am now undertaking a five-week block, Internal Medicine II. This year, I am mainly focused on endocrinology, nephrology, geriatrics and rheumatology. I have to say, I am not looking forward to that exam.
Concurrently, I am doing a research in the radiology department that I am quite excited about. Radiology and cardiology are two of the specialities that I am quite passionately about. Therefore, I am currently following up patients who have undergone septal ablation to follow up the heart functions after this procedure.